Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29th, 2014
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!
I did participate in homecoming. I went with Aaron who goes to Olathe Northwest. We had a pretty good time except I and everyone else wished they played better music. I liked getting dressed up and seeing everyone look so nice. We took a cliche pic in our converse #basic. Then we went to Gaslight Grill and had some great food. The night was pretty fun for my first homecoming.

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22, 2014
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!

This weekend I went to my friends and she had some people over. We all went for a walk and ended up eating cereal on this walk. We then drove to our friends house to sleep over, but she had to leave because she got in trouble for not having her seat belt... WOOPS. Then Sunday i just stayed at her hose and we had a test hair trial for homecoming. Then i had to clean my room... lucky I had no homework.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19th, 2014
Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.

I think Web Design is OK, I am not the biggest fan. I thought Web Design was going to be easier and I didn't expect having to know so many codes. That is my least favorite thing, all the codes, and if you mess something up then the whole ting doesn't work. Its more work then I expect, which necessarily isn't a bad thing.  My favorite thing though is when you code something right you feel really tech like and that's kinda a cool feeling.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18,2014
What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.

The importance of deadlines is to teach us to get things done quickly and efficiently. When you dont have a deadline then nothing would be done and would be put off forever. In high school, deadlines help in the real world by preparing us for job deadlines, tax deadlines, and bill deadlines. If we don't ever turn things in on time, the deadline, then it creates a bad habit that will haunt you later on. If we do get things turned in on the deadline, then we will have an easier job with getting our work done and not falling behind in life, if that can even happen.
Image Citation

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16, 2014
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

This quote is very true. One time when I was not ready for my social studies test I went in with the attitude that I was gonna fail and that I made the dumb choice of not studding. I knew I was gonna fail, but I could have fixed that, but I didn't. That was the time I set myself up to fail when I could have prepared myself to succeed.

Monday, September 15, 2014

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend I went to the first home football game and it was super fun! I had to leave early though because I went to a friends bonfire who lives all the way in Olathe. It was really fun to see them all again. The next day I went to my friends house and we had s'mores and a bonfire and played polish ping pong, lucky I didn't get hit. Then on Sunday, I went over to my Aunts and we had a Skype baby shower for my cousin who lives in Colorado. That's all there is to hear about my weekend.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Below is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.

      This quote to me means how life its self is an exciting thing. You are alive and living and that's something amazing not boring. You can make yourself " not bored" by living the life you have and doing fun/crazy things. I love to do things to make me "not bored" like hang with friends, travel, and simply just doing crazy things while I can still get away with it;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How do you express your creativity? Explain.
 I express my creativity through pictures and my clothes. I love to take artsy picture and fun pictures that i can enjoy. My favorite type are beach and sunset pictures. You can have two people take a picture at the same time and get completely different products. I also express my creativity through clothing. I like to do different things and try different styles.

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend I did so many fun things. On Friday night I went to he Blue Valley game and that was really fun, even though I spilled coke all over my white converse. Then on Saturday, my friend had a bunch of people over and we had a bonfire. The next day, we had a photo shoot downtown. It was so fun and the pictures turned out great. Then Sunday night I was asked to homecoming. Well that's all that happened in my weekend.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Image Citation
These kids are always clickity clackin on there cellular phones. The never stop chirping and branching.They always are obnoxious and they don't even pay attention to me. They always talk about this Starbies and Chipotle and all of that is to sweet for me.  I need someone to explain this whole "BAE" thing to me that's the kids are always texting and saying to each other .

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014
Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?

In Web Design I've  learned the basics of html and how to set up a website. I have learned a lot but it is difficult to remember all the codes. This is my most difficult class, but it is interesting on how the whole system of creating a website work. I work hard in this class and I want to learn how to make a website properly and easily.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2nd, 2014
Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

Over the Labor Day weekend I was sick for Friday and a little bit of Saturday, but by noon on Saturday I felt really good. Also, I celebrated my sisters 19th birthday. My mom cooked for her; we watched movies and played games all day for her birthday. I also got to hang out with my friends and found some homecoming shoes at the Oak Park Mall.